
Stop relying on inaccurate, imprecise information from meteorology reports and weather apps or spending hours manually checking rain gauges. Weather conditions monitoring solutions give you the data you need to make accurate decisions about your fields and crops. Remotely access real-time information about rainfall, temperature changes, wind conditions, air pressure, and humidity for your precise location. Optimize labor, water usage and crop health with the smart solution to precision agriculture.

Precisely monitor weather conditions

Stop relying on inaccurate, imprecise information from meteorology reports and weather apps or spending hours manually checking rain gauges. Weather conditions monitoring solutions give you the data you need to make accurate decisions about your fields and crops. Remotely access real-time information about rainfall, temperature changes, wind conditions, air pressure, and humidity for your precise location. Optimize labor, water usage and crop health with the smart solution to precision agriculture.

Collect soil condition data

Imagine if your fields themselves could tell you everything they need to thrive. Soil monitoring sensors deliver real-time readings of soil temperature, volumetric water content, and air temperature - directly from the field to the Internet. Smart sensors deliver data at customizable intervals, eliminating the need for manual readings. Accurately predict optimal planting times, reduce water usage, and minimize the plant stress that comes from over or under- watering. Analyze historical patterns to make better long- term crop management decisions.