Sigfox operator SimpleCell Networks teams up with first insurance company Direct
echo in CEE to roll out cost-effective smart home protection solution
Czech Republic – July 17th, 2019 – Direct echo, Sigfox operator SimpleCell
Networks and Simple Hardware have released unique motion and water sensor
technology, including an intuitive mobile app developed by Direct echo, to alert
people to adverse events that might be going on in their home. In the future,
Direct insurance wants to offer this service along-side its insurance products.
Launched into the Czech market by insurance company Direct echo, the sensors,
connected via Sigfox’s global IoT 0G network, can be attached to doors and
windows to alert people if they are opened. If the sensor detects movement and a
break in is suspected, it will send a message to homeowners through the system’s
mobile app, which can also be used to call for help.
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